2024-09-05 09:58Blog post

‘The number of auctions in the Belgian construction sector is on the rise’

Accountmanager Construction Troostwijk Auction Belgium Diethard Huygen

The experts at Troostwijk Auctions are on the road every day throughout the Netherlands and Belgium to realise the most beautiful and best auction offers. With their knowledge of the industry, their commitment to both sellers and buyers and with a big smile on their faces, they ensure that everything that is superfluous for one company becomes a new beginning for another.

We would like you to meet Diethard Huygen (49), account manager at Troostwijk Auctions in Belgium for the wood and construction industry. He has been working at Troostwijk Auctions for more than 12 years. ‘I started as an expert in bankruptcies. I enjoyed doing that, yet I missed the commercial aspect. Now I am an account manager and I am really involved in sales, which suits me. I was also brought up with that, because my parents always had their own business.’

Voluntary business termination
Huygen has plenty to do at Troostwijk Auctions. The number of auctions in his industry is growing. ‘Recent figures from Troostwijk Auctions show  (see our latest report on construction in Belgium) that many construction entrepreneurs are opting for voluntary business termination. In 2023, 95 Belgian construction companies auctioned their machinery as a result of voluntary company closures. In 2024, halfway through the year, the counter already stands at 79. This number is expected to rise to 132 this year, an increase of 39 per cent compared to 2023.’

According to Huygen, the drivers behind these voluntary farm closures are higher interest rates on loans, wage increases and restrictive demolition and reconstruction measures. 

Single asset auctions
Increased mortgage interest rates also play a role in business closures, according to Huygen. ‘In the construction sector, the negative investment climate is causing more and more entrepreneurs to buy machinery for a specific project and sell it again afterwards through so-called single asset auctions. By selling, entrepreneurs then have cash to buy other construction materials needed for new projects.’ In 2024, 21 construction companies already participated in these single asset auctions by Troostwijk, where multiple parties offer lots in one auction.

Good relationships
‘Because I have been working at Troostwijk for so long, I have already experienced a lot. I quickly learned that it is important to build a good relationship with a client. And that is also my strong point, I like doing it. After all, a client should not only have confidence in Troostwijk Auctions, but also in the account manager. A good contact makes the auction process go more smoothly. That's why I always ensure clear communication and keep my appointments, I think that's important.’

Huygens' former career as a professional handball player also contributes to this. ‘As a team player, you have to work together and be social. And I apply that in my work now too. Not only with clients, also with my colleagues.’

Making good appointments
‘I always like to visit salespeople,’ Huygen says. ‘It's easier to talk when you can look each other in the eye. And sometimes it happens that I arrive somewhere, for example at a construction site, and I see that the auction location is not good. Even though the material to be auctioned is good. Then, for example, there are four machines very close together. It is not possible for us to photograph and write the machines in this way. So then the vendors may have some work to do before we start.’ With a smile, he adds, ‘A successful auction starts with making good arrangements. And that is my job.’

All the auctions Huygen does are special to him in their own way. ‘I get satisfaction from both small auctions and auctions that bring in a lot. If the client is satisfied and so are we, then I close a file with a good feeling.’

About Troostwijk Auctions

About Troostwijk Auctions 

Troostwijk Auctions believes that everything has value and is driven to make digital auctioning the best way to add value for business sellers and buyers. The digital auction platform optimally connects local, convenient and fast sales with global demand. They do this by combining the power of their people, technology and data. This is how Troostwijk Auctions builds a profitable business, rewards their people and extends the life of goods to reduce waste and emissions. Each year, Troostwijk Auctions auctions more than 1 million lots for companies in sectors such as agriculture, food, metal, construction, earthmoving and transportation & logistics. The company has an average of 4 million visits to the platform per month, local sector specialists throughout Europe and buyers in 175 countries. 

For more information about Troostwijk Auctions: https://www.troostwijkauctions.com/ 


Annelies van den Dool
Brand and Communications Manager
Annelies van den Dool